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Elika Henry



"I truly believe it is an honour to support the coming of new life into the world."

About Me

I have always been passionate about pregnancy, birth and babies. I can recall many moments in my childhood where I would draw near to the pregnant women in my family - collecting any piece of information I could get my hands on, being present for their labours and assisting with newborn care in any way I could. I've always loved it, and I am grateful to be in a position to support pregnant women and their new & growing families as a career.

For over a decade, I had this goal in my mind - nursing school, specialize in obstetrics, bridge into midwifery, then retire happily. BUT, while working in the hospital, and hearing many women say postpartum "I wish I knew this...", or "I didn't know I had this option...", or "my birth didn't go as I had hoped...", etc. my goal shifted: Educate and empower expectant parents so that they can go into their births feeling confident, prepared, and supported!

Whether it be fear of the unknown, a need for advocacy, access to information and resources, physical & mental preparation, or finding a healthy balance between holistic, natural and medical birth practices... the list goes on. I am here for you: ready to answer your questions, present and hands on during your birth, encouraging you postpartum, and fostering your growth and transition to parenthood.

My Qualifications

Certified Labour & Birth Doula (DTC)

Certified Postpartum Doula (DTC)

Certified Perinatal Educator (DTC)

Registered Member of the Association of Ontario Doulas

Registered Practical Nurse (CNO & WeRPN)

Certified First Aid & CPR, BLS (Level HCP)

Certified Neonatal Resuscitation (Canadian Paediatric Society)

Breastfeeding Basics (Humber College)

Advanced Breastfeeding Strategies (Humber College)

Newborn Assessment & Initial Management (Humber College)

Essentials of Prenatal & Postnatal Care (Humber College)

S.T.A.B.L.E. Neonatal Education Program (Provider Level)

PAIL (Pregnancy and Infant Loss) Compassionate Care Certificate

I'd Love to Meet You!

Booking a Private Consultaion will give us the opportunity to get better aqcuainted. Feel free to ask any pertinent questions to aid your doula hiring process.

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